Meidän uusi koti sijaitsee tämän puistoon päättyvän kadun varrella. Melkein meidän taloa vastapäätä on antiikkiliike, jonka ikkunoiden takana jo kävin kurkkimassa. Työlistalla on nyt vähän maalailua ja siivoamista, jotta voidaan kuun vaihteessa kantaa tavarat sisään. Etupihalle on pakko istuttaa omaksi ja naapurienkin iloksi pian kukkia tai jotakin vihreää, sillä kukkapenkit loistavat tällä hetkellä tyhjyyttään.
La nostra casa si trova in questa via alberata che finisce in un parco grande. Quasi di fronte alla nostra casa c'è un negozio di antiquariato e sono già andata a sbirciare dentro le vetrine. Ora dobbiamo imbiancare alcune pareti e fare un po' di pulizie in modo che a fine mese possiamo portarci dentro tutte le nostre cose. Davanti alla casa ci sono due aiuole completamente vuote. Sono sicura che renderò felici anche i vicini se ci pianto presto un po' fiori o piante verdi.
Our new home is situated on this street and at the end of the street there's a big park. Almost opposite to our house there's an antique shop and I already went window shopping a bit. We have to paint some walls and clean the house a little before we can move in all our stuff at the end of the month. In front of the house there are two empty flower beds and I'm pretty sure also the neighbours will be happy when I'll plant some flowers or plants in them.
Sleep Well: 5 Bedding Sales to Shop This Week
59 minutes ago
Oi ihana ja antiikkiliikke vastapäätä.
ReplyDeleteNiin, ties vaikka hurahtaisinkin vielä antiikkiin ;-)
DeleteDear Riikka,
ReplyDeletethanks for your visit. Your new street looks really pretty. I wonder where it is (which city).
I have got the impression that Himmeli aren´t just here quite "hip" but also in Finland. Lots of young Finnish bloggers have or make Himmelis for their home, or?
Best regards,
We're living in Bremen at the moment and we really like the area where our new home is situated! Yes, it's true that the himmelis are "in" also in Finland, at least in the blog world. They do look quite nice in modern homes, but I prefer the modern black versions to the traditional straw ones.